Explore Corsica – short break with the Tour de France

No matter what we do in the cap, no matter what moves us, keeps us busy, inspires us: in the end it's always about cycling. Here in Düsseldorf or somewhere else in the world. We...

    The great awakening – Düsseldorf after the Tour de France

    It has been more than a week since the Tour de France convoy left Düsseldorf for Liège. A lot has happened in the peloton since then, falls and sprint duels have claimed prominent victims. We...

      And now all! The countdown to the Grand Depart…

      We still get questioning and skeptical looks when we claim that Düsseldorf is expecting the biggest event the city has ever experienced in just over thirty days. It is of course clear that we put...

        Myth of the Tour de France – La Grande Boucle in the NRW Forum

        Next weekend, one of the program items in the run-up to the Düsseldorf Grand Départ, which we in the cap are looking forward to, will start with the exhibition "Mythos Tour de France" in the...

          Two-wheeler weekend in the city - 100 days before the big departure.

          Sometimes we ask ourselves how much bike goes in and with the cap. How many bikes can we get? Answer: mostly quite a lot. A weekend with a shop, three trips and two days at...

            Bonjour le Tour – Düsseldorf in final sprint mode

            A hundred days before the start of the Grand Départ, our hometown switches to sprint mode – numerous cycling-related activities form the countdown to the largest sporting event Düsseldorf has ever hosted. Whether it's the...

              Gabba Gabba Hey – New York's Bicycle Film Festival is coming to Germany

              When Brendt Barbur started the Bicycle Film Festival in New York in 2001, you had to be a great visionary to imagine that New York could be a good place for cyclists. In 2010, Eben...

                We want our village to be more beautiful – welcome, Bicycle Film Festival!

                In order to make urban cycling safer, not only must the infrastructure be improved, but a rethink must take place in the minds of all road users. Cyclists need acceptance and support, cycling must not...

                  Everyone races through the surrounding countryside and things really get going on the Kö – the Düsseldorf cycling day

                  Anyone who happened to visit the “Rund um die Kö” cycle race in May in recent years was quite astonished: hundreds of barriers, athletes who daringly pedaled handlebars to handlebars out of the saddle in...

                    Cargo bike Düsseldorf – Why, why, why?

                    In the summer of 2014, when we had the Cologne band Muskat as guests at the Schicken Mütze, who were touring NRW with a reduced line-up with a cargo bike and a classic racer, we...

                      Savoir vivre and Tour de France – Düsseldorf becomes the cycling capital.

                      “How does it start in Düsseldorf? The Tour de France? Why?" For us, who share our excitement, it is amazing when friends and acquaintances react in disbelief and look at us questioningly because they think...

                        Traffic policy in the cinema. And almost everyone wants to be there.

                        At half past six we stood with our guests Lerke Tyra, Dr. Stephan Keller, Norbert Czerwinski, Prof. Thomas Fenner, Dr. Suthold and moderator Jan Gathmann from Bike Tour Magazine in the foyer of the Metropol cinema. The...

                          Bikes vs. Cars – The hat invites you to the cinema

                          Bikes vs. Cars - Documentary, Fredrik Gertten, Sweden 2015 What a title: Bikes vs. Cars. Big fight, tough opponents. One quickly ends up mentally with the usual terms used by the car lobby and cycling...

                            Düsseldorf wants the big awakening

                            It shouldn't really come as a surprise to anyone that we from the cap team are delighted that Düsseldorf will apply to start the 2017 Tour De France, the Grand Départ. But we're so presumptuous...

                              we become one The hat is celebrating a birthday.

                              When we started with the hat a year ago, we knew the rough direction in which our journey should go, the first few kilometers were well planned. A really precise preparation of the route fell...